
Seven Rivers

The story goes that demons,

  1. Mahabal 
  2. Atibal &
  3. Demon army 
created huge disruptions in the world

Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh were prayed to release the world from their wrath. Vishnu killed Atibal,however Mahabal had the boon of 'death at will'. Hence, the gods requested Adimaya to charm Mahabal. Mahabal said to Adimaya that I will die in your hands only if the 3 Gods agree to reside on earth in our names.


  1. Brahma in the form of Koteshwar (The demon army) 
  2. Vishnu in the form of Atibaleshwar, 
  3. Shiva in the form of Mahabaleshwar and  resided here.


The 4500-year old Panchaganga temple is built at the origin of 7 rivers - 
  1. Krishna, 
  2. Koyana, 
  3. Gayatri, 
  4. Savitri, 
  5. Venna, 
  6. Saraswati and 
  7. Bhagirathi. 
Out of them, springs of the first 5 flow continuously


  1. the spring corresponding to Saraswati comes alive after every 60 years and 
  2. one corresponding to Bhagirathi comes alive every 12 years.

Ancient 'Nutcracker Man' Ate More Like A Cow


lactoferrin in cow milk

Prebiotic in Cow Milk








New Uses for Cow Urine

Mooove over Coke and Pepsi

Holy cow: A new soft drink made with bovine urine is under development in India, and the beverage will be marketed as a "healthy" alternative to Coke and Pepsi. The soft drink, called "Gau Jal" – that's Sanskrit for "cow water" - is undergoing lab tests and could be launched "very soon, maybe by the end of this year,"

The team is now focused on packaging and marketing the drink and making sure it's preserved correctly so it doesn't have an off odor.

Meanwhile, Chris Roslan, president of Dera, Roslanamp; Campion, a public relations firm, that he's got the perfect name for the product: Fizzy Whizzy. Sure does sound like the next pause that refreshes.


If a person,

  1. rising at early dawn and 
  2. taking with him a quantity of water and 
  3. a few blades of Kusa grass, 
proceeds into a cow-pen and arriving there washes a cow's horns by sprinkling thereon that water with those blades of Kusa grass and then causes the water to drip down on his own head, he is regarded, in consequence of such a bath, as one that has performed his ablutions in all the sacred waters that the wise have heard to exist in the three worlds


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